Dolphins are small-toothed cetaceans that are mainly found in oceans,
streams, and rivers. Oceanic dolphins belong to the mammal family
Delphinidae, while river dolphins are in the Platanistidae or Iniidae
families. Most dolphins are under 10 feet long, but some can reach speeds
of over 18 miles per hour. Dolphins are known for their playfulness,
grace, friendliness, and intelligence.
- Common Dolphin
- Bottlenose Dolphin
- Commerson's Dolphin
- Orca (killer whale)
- White-breaked dolphin
Fun Facts
- There are over 40 species of dolphins
The most endangered dolphin species is the Maui dolphin with less than
50 remaining
Orcas can be over 30 feet long while Maui dolphins are just 5 feet long
Dolphins are social animals and communicate with clicks, squeaks, and
- Dolphins mainly eat fish, squid, and crustaceans